Covenant Men of Promise
Our Purpose
To support, uplift, and encourage one another to be God fearing leaders within our families, as well as sphere of influence. CMOP are men that are called to Pray and meditate on the written Word, obey God, be of good character, demonstrate integrity and excellence during our daily lives.
CMOP will encourage one another to walk by Faith and not be sight. Membership to the CMOP is open to men who are not members of JCM.
Join JMC’s special fellowships and teachings to become men and sons of:

Prayer [II Chronicles 7:14; James 5:16]
Right with God through Christ Jesus [ Philippians 1:11; II Corinthians 5:20]
Obedience [Genesis 22:18; Hebrews 5:8]
Meditation of God’s Word [ Joshua 1:8; I Timothy 4:15]
Integrity [Proverbs 20:7]
Sanctified in and separated to Christ Jesus [John 17:17; I Corinthians 1:30]
Endurance – beat the test! [Matthew 24:13; II Thessalonica 1:4]
*Men who lead in the growth and success of themselves, families, communities and Ministries and impact the culture in Christ.