Prophetic Word for Joshua Christian Ministries (JCM)
January 22, 2023
JCM, there is no darkness in God. HE is a lamp unto your feet and a light to your path (Psalm 119:105). He will lead and guide you throughout 2023 and the years to come. Listen to HIS still small voice. Yes, pray my children. But don’t just pray scriptures. Pray the Word of God with the authority I have given you. Abide (live in, by, and through) in me, the WORD, and let the WORD abide (live in, by, and through) in you, so you ask whatever you will, and it shall be granted (John 15:7).
These are glorious days ahead for the Body of Christ. Get in the right posture to receive ALL that I have for you. SANCTIFY yourself, rise and take your positions in the cities, state, nation, and abroad. Place no limitations on ME and stretch your boundaries. Be ready to go whenever I tell you to do whatever I have willed. Tune your ears to my frequency so that you know you are receiving my WORD with clarity.
I AM a just GOD! Have I not said that I will never leave you? (Deuteronomy 31:8) Have I not said that I sent my WORD to heal your diseases? ( Exodus 15:26, Psalm 107:20, Matthew 9:35) AM I not your GOD, your Healer? That, I AM! Your body is MY TEMPLE! Keep it undefiled in words, actions, and deeds.
Be still and know I AM GOD! Many of you have prayed years in advance and even now for my protection from dangers seen and unseen. I AM not only your Protector, but I AM your PROTECTION. Stop looking to the work of the hands of humans or even your hands and look to ME for I am YOUR SOURCE for all Resources.
Oh! JCM, 2023 is a year of silence. Let your words be few. You shall be a people of action. Prepare yourself for miracles, signs, and wonders. Prepare yourself to receive wisdom, knowledge, and understanding of me in new levels, realms, dimensions, and in different ways. Behold, I AM doing a new thing! Are you ready?
Fret not of things that will occur this year and the years to come. Just you speak my WORD daily declaring who I AM, who you are, and to whom you belong. I, your God, has prepare a table for you in the face of all your enemies. Again, this is the year of ACTION. Be about my business and I shall do what your mental capacities thought was impossible. I, your GOD, manifest the impossibilities of man.
It is not enough to know the WORD but does the WORD know you! Digest the Word of God allowing it to be a part of your very fiber. Be intimate with ME, says the Lord, your God. DO MY WILL! ARISE and TAKE ACTION!
JCM, behold, I AM doing a new thing! Are you ready? BE READY, STAY READY IN ME. I AM YOUR WAY, YOUR TRUTH, YOUR LIFE! (John 14:6)
Written as perceived in the Holy Spirit for JCM by Sister Carrie.
I am praying I Chronicles 29:10-20 over Apostle Arthur McGuire as the Lord has directly me. Ask the congregation to do the same as led by the Holy Spirit.
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